Parent Leadership Grant Recipients 2015-2016

Here are the “Webstories” from our 2015-2016 Parent Leadership Grant, small grants awards to local home and schools to engage in parent leadership and engagement projects with the parents and guardians in their school.



Grant Activity

Amherst Cove Consolidated

Healthy Family Meals

Local farmers teach students and parents about healthy, local food choices for snacks and meals.

Central Queens Elementary

Camp Read S’more

The school gym was transformed in to Camp Read S’more and filled with camp themed literacy activities for parents to do with students.

Donagh Regional

Data, Dojo + Drishti

While parents learned about their role in student’s cyber safety, students learned new skills in judo and yoga.

Englewood Consolidated

Geo-Caching  – An Interactive
Learning Experience

Parents and students used new skills in mapping to find hidden treasures.

Hernewood Intermediate

Art in the Dark: Hernewood Style

Parents and students turn a blank canvas into a piece of art, and open the doors to conversation.

Parkdale Elementary

Math and Literacy for Parents

Curriculum experts teach parents new tools and skills to engage in at-home math and reading.

Queen Charlotte Intermediate

Helping Your Teen Become
Their Best Self

Parents, students and staff create a night of open conversation on topics of self esteem, healthy food and leadership.

Queen Elizabeth Elementary

Family Literacy Night

Throughout the school, literacy activities – both guided and self-directed – encouraged parents and students to read, write, learn and play.

Souris Regional

Numeracy Night

Expert coaches teach parents and students new tools and games for at-home math help.

Vernon River Consolidated

Creating Connections between
Home and School

Curriculum experts teach parents new tools and skills to engage in at-home math and reading.

West Royalty Elementary

Numeracy Coaching Session

Expert coaches teach parents new tools and skills for at-home math help.