MOTION: To approve the following revisions, deletions/additions, to the By-Laws of the PEI Home and School Federation. ARTICLE…
Read MoreWHEREAS the Education Act provides for an elected board within the French Language School Board but not the PSB, and…
Read MoreWHEREAS playground equipment is a valuable tool for developing school age children’s physical strength and co-ordination, social skills such…
Read MoreWHEREAS transitions, whether between grade levels and schools, between parts of the school year, or within the school day,…
Read MoreWHEREAS the current attendance policy of the Public Schools Branch states "that regular and punctual attendance at school is imperative…
Read MoreWHEREAS urgent issues may arise outside school hours and on weekends and holidays that require quick decisions or timely resolution…
Read MoreWHEREAS the people in our schools and on school grounds have a variety of employers (for example, the Public Schools…
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