The PEI Home and School Federation is the umbrella organization of local "home and school" and "parent council" organizations in 55 schools across Prince Edward Island. We bring together parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and staff to promote the total well-being of children and the highest standards of education for each child in the province.
We work in partnership with other organizations who foster this ideal and assist in the development of policies related particularly to quality education for each child. We work primarily by offering support to, and coordination between, our local members and believe that the participation of parents and guardians in the education of our children is vital.
Mission Statement
The Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation Inc. exists to promote the total well-being of children and the highest standards of education for each child in the province. The Federation works in partnership with other organizations who foster this ideal. The Federation encourages and whenever possible assists in the development of policies related particularly to quality education for each child and generally to the total well-being of children in Prince Edward Island.
Our Vision
- To obtain the best for each child in Prince Edward Island.
- To promote the welfare of all children and youth in this province.
- To foster cooperation between parents and teachers, so that every Island child, may grow to their full potential.
- To give parents an understanding of the school and its administration.
- To be informed, constructive partners with educators.
- To promote high standards of well-being in each child's life.
- To promote the care and protection of children and youth.
- To promote affiliations with any organizations which concern themselves with the care and development of children and youth, in the home, school and community
- To obtain the best for each child according to his or her physical, mental, social and spiritual needs.
- To foster high ideals of citizenship and to promote through educational means, international goodwill and peace
Our History
The following is an excerpt from History 1953-1973 - The Prince Edward Island Federation of Home and School Associations, compiled by the late Hesta MacDonald, President 1965-1967. This publication was made possible through a grant from the Prince Edward Island 1973 Centennial Commission.
On January 29, 1953, twenty-three local Home and School Associations in Prince Edward Island formed a Provincial Federation and became affiliated with the Canadian Home and School and Parent-Teacher Federation.
An organizational meeting was held at Prince of Wales College auditorium with 102 delegates representing 23 Home and School Associations in attendance at which time Mrs. M. J. Doyle (North Rustico) moved and Rev. Mr. Paterson (Georgetown) seconded a motion that this meeting form a P.E.I. Home and School Federation. This was adopted unanimously. Thus was born the P.E.I. Federation of Home and School Associations with Mrs. J. Gordon (Helen) MacDonald (Charlottetown) as its able first president.
Mrs. MacDonald wrote, “We were privileged to have the guidance of many of the National leaders who contributed to our growth. Such an inspired leader was Dr. L. A. DeWolfe, from Truro, Nova Scotia, a pioneer in Canadian Home and School and one of its first National presidents who wrote: “The Home and School’s task is to learn the scope of education - especially out of school - and to study ways of interesting all young people in self-education. Particularly should we discover how children learn, what they need to learn, how they can be helped by the community, and how they can help the community by helping each other.”