Annual General Meeting & Convention: April 8, 2017
The P.E.I. Home and School Federation’s 64th Annual General Meeting & Convention is scheduled for Saturday, April 8, 2017 at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, beginning at 8:45 a.m. Plans are in place for a meeting with networking, sharing best practices, and a Round Table workshop in the afternoon for Home and School delegates.
Any parent, guardian, teacher, administrator or staff person at any PEIHSF member school is invited to the meeting with each member school appointing five (5) individuals to attend as voting delegates. Membership fees must be paid to allow voting privileges to voting delegates. Local Home and Schools are encouraged to pay registration fees, travel and accommodation (if applicable) expenses for their delegates to ensure there are fewer barriers to attending.
Ask your school administrative assistant to post the meeting information in the March school newsletter, on the school websites, and spread the word on your Home and School Facebook, Twitter, blog and/or website.
Please register your Home and School's delegates to ensure that your school is represented at this meeting.
Contact the office if you have further questions.
Draft Agenda
8:00-8:45 Registration / Pick up Kits / Visit Displays
8:45-11:00 Welcome – Lisa MacDougall, President
Business Meeting: Parliamentarian: Marion Murphy
1. Adoption of Agenda 2017
2. Adoption of Minutes 2016
3. President’s Report
4. Adoption of Finance Report
5. Other Reports (Accepted as circulated)
6. Resolutions
10:00 Nutrition Break/View Displays – Provinces Lounge
7. Nominations Report/Elections
8. New Business
9. Adjournment of Business Meeting
11:00-12:00 Speakers: How can equity be addressed in Island Schools?
Presenters will discuss ways of addressing particular facets of equity in schools, including:
Food programs – Rachel Schofield Martin
Flexible learning -Mitch Murphy
Citizen engagement in decision making – Bill Whelan12:15-1:15 Luncheon – Georgian Room
- The Honourable H. Frank Lewis, Lieutenant Governor
- Greetings from guests
- Award Presentations
- Closing Remarks
1:30 – 2:30 Round Table Discussion: What is equity in education?
Afternoon Workshop
Round Table Discussion: What is equity in education?
Victorian Room, Rodd Charlottetown, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Eight resolutions will be voted on at the Annual General Meeting. Members will receive the complete text of resolutions by post; they are also available online.
Please discuss and vote on these resolutions at your next home and school meeting: your voting delegates should reflect the opinions of the parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and staff in your school.
Nominations for the PEIHSF Board
The PEI Home and School Federation is the umbrella organization of home and schools across PEI, and is overseen by a volunteer board elected by delegates from member home and schools. Every year at the annual meeting elections are held for vacant positions on the board, and members are encouraged to nominate candidates who, in your opinion, have the necessary qualifications to do the work of the provincial Federation by March 31, 2017. See 2016-2017 list of board members online. A nomination form will be mailed with the AGM Registration Package to all member schools; the form is also available online.