Chance to celebrate Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
Parents across Canada will recognize school staff members, teachers, teacher assistants, secretaries, custodians, crosswalk personnel and others during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, Feb. 9-15.
Home and School associations in elementary, intermediate and senior high schools are organizing activities to thank great people who inspire, encourage, and care for our children. The federation expresses its gratitude to members of school staff for their commitment to the educational development and total well-being of Island children. Contact a local home and school association to see how to get involved!
In addition, two teachers/staff persons will be recognized with the federation’s Extra Mile Awards during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week.
Presidents and committee chairs are asked to send annual home and school reports to the P.E.I. home and school federation office by March 3 for inclusion in the federation’s annual book of reports. These reports are to cover events for this school year. Talk about what your home and school is doing in your school community. Reports ensure that local association’s successes, challenges, events and milestones are recorded for other members to review and for historical purposes. A template on the federation’s website offers help at:
The federation’s annual volunteer and life membership awards recognize individuals who have given exceptional contributions to the total well being of children and youth on P.E.I. through service at the local Home and School Association and for outstanding service in the provincial federation. Awards are presented at the annual general meeting in April. Review criteria on-line at: Submit nominations to the federation by March 14.
In anticipation of the Feb. 28th deadline of the Parent Leadership Grant, the federation is organizing workshops in various locations across the Island on how to develop grant proposals. Anyone looking for successful project ideas and wanting help with filling in the application, should contact Jean Davis to register at: or call 620-3186 or 1-800-916-0664.
School Health Action Planning and Evaluation System or SHAPES-PEI is a data collection and knowledge exchange system that is designed to monitor youth health behaviours in Prince Edward Island. SHAPES-PEI uses school-based surveys (the provincial SHAPES survey and the national Youth Smoking Survey) to ask students, grades 5 to 12, questions about physical activity, healthy eating, mental fitness, and tobacco, alcohol, and drug use. We look forward to learning about the 2012‑13 School Health Action Planning and Evaluation System (SHAPES‑PEI) ‑ Provincial Health Profile in February.
Save the date, April 12th for the federation’s 61th annual general meeting at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel on Kent Street in Charlottetown. Invite all members, parents and teachers, to attend the annual meeting. Each Association is asked to designate five attendees as official voting delegates. An action packed agenda is planned this year!
Reading fluency is important because it links word recognition and comprehension. It is the ability to read aloud quickly, accurately and with appropriate expression. Finding the right book for a child means choosing ones he or she is interested in and making sure it’s at the right level. Check out
Visit the federation’s websites at: for Home and School initiatives and Help My Child at to find out a variety of resources for families.
Pam Montgomery, President
PEI Home and School Federation