Classrooms at home: Students can access online learning opportunities provided by the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning

With the global pandemic of COVID-19 in PEI, we need to support each other now more than ever.


Islanders must continue to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus as directed by the Chief Public Health Officer. Dr. Heather Morrison has recommended for schools to remain closed until at least May 11. This will be re-evaluated as we get closer to the date.


During the period while students and educators are away from school, they can access online learning opportunities provided by the department of education and lifelong learning. Parents and students are asked to refer to the public schools branch website at:  HomeLearningResources  


There are lots of ways you can have fun with home learning. Ask your children about their ideas for learning at home and work with them. Learn about math and chemistry through baking, botany through gardening; outer space using a mobile app, etc.


Children work in a scheduled setting when in school, so recreate something similar at home with them. Create a schedule for kids so there is still structure in the home and with learning. Recess and downtime are important too. It’s important to stay physically active so go for walks around your home. Schedule downtime for personal reading. Get creative with crafts. Nobody knows your kids better than you do. Take the time to give each child what they need.


On March 26, the public schools branch student services division launched a Facebook page that provides educational information to parents and caregivers in an organized fashion. Posts will be from professional groups within student services and are meant to be a support to families. Check it out!  @psbstudentservices 


Support for families is available from island education authorities at the public schools branch and CSLF. Call 902 368-5155 or email: . Families can leave a message and support workers will respond to find out more specifics around the needs. The line was designed primarily to assist families of our students who are experiencing food insecurity. Their plans include delivering lunches to students who normally would have had a lunch made available to them at school. This is expected to begin in the near future.   


NOTE: Since submitting this article to The Guardian, the PEI Home and School Federation in collaboration with the Dept. of Education and Lifelong Learning, Department of Social Development and Housing, Public Schools Branch and Breakfast Club of Canada, is assisting families in need by delivering healthy meals to children.  Check FB: PEI School Food Project


The following student services are available: Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority (APSEA) Services; autism services; community access facilitator; counselling services; English additional language / French additional language (EAL/FAL) Services; hearing education auditory resources (HEAR) services; inclusive education services; psychology services; speech language services.


The PEI Home and School Federation’s Annual Meeting & Convention, scheduled for April 18, 2020, is postponed until later this year because of the health emergency. More details will follow.


A former board member, Pamela Sorensen, passed away March 22/20.  She served on the federation as board secretary and Family Life Committee Chair 1985-1988.  One of her daughters, Joanna Stewart and family, lives in Summerside. Joanna also served on the board 2013-2015 and as Parent Engagement Program Chair. We send our deepest sympathies to the family.


One final note, for everyone’s benefit, behave in a way that when you look back, you can be proud of the actions you took during the COVID-19 health emergency. Bring calm to your family during this time of uncertainty and do what Dr. Morrison is telling all of us to do:  ‘Practice social / physical distancing, wash hands frequently, isolate and when symptoms arise, call 811’. 


Stay home. Let’s all do the right thing!



Cory Thomas, president of the P.E.I. Home and School Federation, lives in Summerside with his wife and two children, who both attend Elm Street Elementary School. His column appears in The Guardian during the school year on the first Friday of the month. He welcomes comments from readers and information for the column. He can be reached at or 902-620-3186.  



Home and School News, April 2020


COVID-19 Information

  • 811 – If you have COVID-19 symptoms, including a cough, fever or difficulty breathing.
  • 1-833-533-9333 – health questions, services for Islanders, business programs
  • 1-800-958-6400 – concerns that someone you know is not following the self-isolation directive.
  • View Government of PEI contact information for COVID-19.
  • COVID-19 Testing Data chart is updated as information becomes available.


Home Learning Resources
During the period while students and educators are away from school, they can access online learning opportunities provided by the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning. Parents and students are asked to refer to the public schools branch website for Home Learning Resources.


Student Services Facebook
The Public Schools Branch Student Services put up a Facebook page that provides educational information to parents and caregivers in an organized fashion.  Check it out! @psbstudentservices


Support For Families

Support for families is available from island education authorities at the public schools branch and CSLF. Call 902 368-5155 or email: . Families can leave a message and support workers will respond to find out more specifics around the needs.


PEI School Food Project
The PEI Home and School Federation in collaboration with the Dept. of Education and Lifelong Learning, Department of Social Development and Housing, Public Schools Branch and Breakfast Club of Canada, is assisting families in need by delivering healthy meals to children.  Check FB: PEI School Food Project

Triple 3 Online Support for Parents

To help families cope in this uncertain time when face-to-face appointments are not advisable, find free online sessions for parents with children/youth ages 0-16.  Contact:  Katie Duffy, Triple P Coordinator, Child and Family Services /Social Development and Housing  902-368-6762


Public Archives and Records Office

Public Archives wants to know about the impacts of #PEICOVID19 on Islanders. You are asked to share messages, photos and/or stories about the effects on your life and work – so they can document and preserve this significant event for history.”  Go to Public Archives.


National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week is a time to celebrate and thank Canada’s 12.7 million volunteers.

This year’s theme is: “It’s time to applaud this country’s volunteers.”


Welcome to Kindergarten Program
Update: Due to the current circumstances around COVID-19, the scheduled Welcome to Kindergarten sessions have been canceled for the time being. An updated schedule of events will be posted at a later date. Thank you for your understanding.


School Calendar

The Department of Education and Lifelong Learning posted the 2020-2021 School Calendar.