Home and School News, March 2018

Home and School Annual Reports due….

Presidents/Chairs contacts of Home and School Associations are asked to submit a one page Annual Report outlining your local Home and School's activities for the 2017-2018 school year.  All reports will be inserted in the 65th Annual Book of Reports.  We would appreciate receiving reports from every Home and School for this special 65 year anniversary.  If you have questions, call 620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664. 

Email your report to: peihsf@edu.pe.ca

Submission deadline: Friday, March 2, 2018


School Calendar Survey

Home and School Associations are asked to circulate the following school calendar link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VS628ZR  to your Home & School community. Feedback will be summarized and reported to Education, Early Learning and Culture’s school calendar committee. 

Deadline for responding to the school calendar survey is March 2, 2018.



65th Annual Meeting & Convention, April 14th

The PEI Home and School Federation’s 65th Annual Meeting & Convention "We’re all in this together!" will be held on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at the Rodd Charlottetown hotel, Kent Street Charlottetown. Register your Home & School delegates by Friday, March 28th.  A registration package has been mailed to associations. More at: https://peihsf.ca/agm



Proposed 2018 Resolutions/By-law revisions…..

Local Home and Schools are to review and vote on the 2018 proposed resolutions and by-law revisions and pass the voting results on to your Home & School’s AGM & Convention voting delegates so they will vote on behalf of their local Home and School at the AGM business meeting. Business items are online at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/resolutions



Volunteer of the Year Award / Life Membership

Nominate someone from your Home and School community for the PEI Home and School Federation's Volunteer of the Year and Life Membership Awards by: March 9, 2018.   The 2018 awards will be presented during the 65th Annual Meeting & Convention. More at: https://peihsf.ca/content/awards


Other community news:


Great Big Crunch, March 1, 2018 marks the 11th Anniversary of the Great Big Crunch. We hope you’ll Register to crunch with us. And help spread the noise online! http://foodshare.net/program/crunch/


* The Garry MacLean Award for Knowledge of Hemophilia and Related Bleeding Disorders 2018: The PEI Chapter of Canadian Hemophilia Society is offering a $1000 cash award to a PEI School Classroom for a student and teacher participation team effort in doing research to prepare a classroom presentation submission on the topic of Hemophilia and related bleeding disorders. Deadline is March 31, 2018. More at: http://www.hemophilia.ca/en/provincial-chapters/prince-edward-island/ or 1-800-668-2686.


*  Heart & Stroke Count your Cubes = Did you know that just 1 can of pop contains the equivalent of 10 sugar cubes?  The Sugary Drink 4 week Challenge” begins April 2nd and  encourages families to count and reduce the number of sugar cubes they are consuming in common beverages like pop, juice, sports drinks and vitamin waters.  Find more information and sign up for the Challenge at: www.countyourcubes.ca