More Family Resources

1.       ADHD Parents' Support Group

Every Wednesday,7:30 – 9:00 p.m. on Zoom
Meeting ID: 972 041 5025  Password: 8vNmaC  (If you haven't used Zoom you can check it out here. The first time you join a meeting you may be prompted to download some software, after that zoom will be able to launch from your computer when you click a meeting link.)


2.       Parents as Teachers, FREE Online Pilot

"Parents as Teachers – the Home and the Community as Classrooms" is a FREE online pilot resource developed by former Glen Stewart school principal, Maitland MacIsaac. If interested, contact Mait directly at 626-6799.  See information attached.


3.       211 PEI website now available for all Islanders

United Way has now enhanced Prince Edward Island’s new 211 website directory by updating records to include information related to services being offered during the covid-19 health crisis.  211 PEI – where your search starts when you don't know where to turn!
Go to:


4.       Home Learning Resources / COVID-19 Support for Families
Parents and Students – School Closure FAQ
Home Learning Resources (.pdf) 364KB
Additional Home Learning Resources 
Support for Families lines 902-368-5155 or 902-368-6990


5.       Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone knows the news has been dominated by some triggering headlines lately. We also know that COVID-19 — a novel coronavirus (a.k.a. new virus) affecting people in Canada and across the world — is something that may be on your mind and on the minds of young people in your life.  Kids Help Phone is an e-mental health service, with access 24/7 from anywhere in Canada, via phone or text. 


6.       For Parents 

This workshop has been designed to provide a tool kit that parents can use to help build financial literacy capabilities for their kids. You will learn; 

  • About free activity guides and lesson plans you can use to assist with at-home learning during the current school closure;
  • How to access free online resources around money management, planning for your future, and career exploration for high school kids;
  • The most requested financial information and topics asked about by youth, and the free resources you can use to help address these topics with them;

Tips and tricks to help with time management, and how you can better balance assisting your child with at-home learning as a parent working from home yourself. 

Please select a date and time that best suits you.

Dates and times – click on link to register. Please note that all webinars will follow with a 15 minute Q&A​
​​Thursday, May, 14thth from 11:00 a.m. – 12 noon EST
Register here:

Tuesday, May 19th from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST
Register here:

Thursday, May 21st from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. EST
Register here: