Queen Elizabeth Elementary school bus driver receives recognition
Press Release:
The Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation recognized Steven Waugh, Bus #584 from Queen Elizabeth Elementary School with a 2015 School Bus Driver Award.
Mr. Waugh was nominated by students, parents and staff at Queen Elizabeth Elementary. He carries out his duties with kindness, consideration and respect for all students in his care and represents all school bus drivers across Prince Edward Island.
“Steven goes above and beyond to be kind to, supportive of, and above all else, protective of the children on his bus every day. He made a huge difference in Wyatt’s attitude towards travelling to school and I am so thankful for him.” says Darby McCormick, parent.
“Public education is a partnership, and ensuring that our students get to and from school each day rests on the shoulders of our bus drivers, partners without whom our education system could not operate. Their dedication, especially through this year's very difficult winter, is something that our members, the parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and staff of Island schools, truly appreciate.” says Peter Rukavina, President of the P.E.I. Home and School Federation.
We, the public, can show our appreciation every day by being attentive while driving. Help a school bus driver out by allowing them access to the road during busy traffic hours allowing them to get students to school and home on safe and on time.
Not everyone can be a school bus driver. It’s impressive enough to be able to drive a large passenger vehicle. Add in roughly 60 children and it is truly amazing!
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Presented: June 19, 2015