Online Registration open for the 2019 Semi-Annual Meeting

Local home and school associations can submit registrations for members attending the October 8, 2019 Semi-Annual Meeting
using this online registration form.

  • Please submit one registration per delegate.
  • Each home and school can send five voting delegates, but there’s no limit to the number of additional parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and staff who can attend.
  • Registration Fee: There is no fee; please bring a food bank donation.


More details…..

EVENT:         PEI Home and School Federation Semi-Annual & “Best Meeting” Conversation

WHEN:          Tuesday, October 8, 2019

TIME:            6:00 – 8.00 PM

PLACE:          Gulf Shore Consolidated School, 185 Hilltop Drive, North Rustico, PEI

WHO:             Home & School community – parents, students, care givers, teachers, administrators

REGISRATION:  By donation of a food bank item.

 WHAT:          An opportunity to discuss our “Best” meetings, current issues and opportunities, share resources and ideas, and build connections within the school community on P.E.I.  Federation board members will lead conversations on the following topics:
1. Sharing of ideas through ‘Live Story”– Dionne and Donna

2. Conducting a Meeting:  Cory and Allie

3. How to Resolution/Policy Action:  Heather and Leigh

4. Celebrating Everyone/Networking: Haley and Erin

Vaping Information Presentation:  Sterling Carruthers, Health Schools Specialist and Melissa Munro-Bernard, Chief Public Health Office will present current information concerning Vaping products which have now surpassed tobacco as the most commonly used nicotine-containing product by Canadian and PEI youth.  As the rates of e-cigarette use by youth on PEI continues to rise, it is important for adults (e.g. parents, teachers, school staff, family members etc.) to educate themselves about what e-cigarettes are, heath harms associated with using them, what is being done to address youth use, and where to access more information.  

Refreshments provided:   Food will be catered locally by Green Isle Catering Co., North Rustico.

Parking for the venue is located in the school parking lot.
Plan to arrive at 5.45 p.m. and pick up a healthy food plate and meet and greet other people from other school communities.
Bring your business cards for networking with Home & School volunteers and partners in education during and following the session.

We look forward to seeing you there! 


Cory Thomas, President
P.E.I. Home and School Federation