Home » Resolutions » E-Cigarettes


Resolution Number: 2014-02
Submitted by: Bluefield and East Wiltshire Parent Councils

WHEREAS 25% of PEI youth report having tried smoking and a further 25% of students report that they lack confidence in remaining smoke-free’ (Youth Smoking Survey 2010/11), and

WHEREAS the percentage of young smokers trying tobacco products increases as age and grade increases with 15.5% of youth in grades 6–9 have tried a tobacco product and 40% of youth in grades 10–12 have tried a tobacco product, and

WHEREAS new tobacco products including electronic cigarettes continue to be introduced to the marketplace that attract new users such as children and youth, and

WHEREAS Health Canada and the World Health Organization do not recommend the purchase or use of electronic cigarettes because of the potential health risks and the lack of testing for safety, quality and efficacy, and

WHEREAS scientific evidence to support the use of e-cigarettes to quit smoking is still inconclusive, and

WHEREAS there are concerns that the use of electronic cigarettes provides a negative example, similar to conventional cigarette smoking and that modeling tobacco free lifestyles is important in building healthy habits especially in children and youth;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the P.E.I. Home and School Federation requests the English Language School Board to adopt and communicate the former Eastern School Board Policy ADC-R: Tobacco Product Usage Ban which prohibits products that ‘reasonably resemble tobacco or tobacco products’ including e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco and snuff; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the P.E.I. Home and School Federation requests the Minister of Health and Wellness to broaden the definition of ‘tobacco-related product’ in the Tobacco Sales and Access Act to include e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff and any other products containing or reasonably resembling tobacco or tobacco products.

Status: Passed
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Destination:Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Department of Health and Wellness
English Language School Board
French Language School Board
Health PEI

Chief Public Health Office, Dr. Heather Morrison, response from her office and on behalf of the Minister of Health & Wellness:   The Department of Health & Wellness is currently reviewing legislation and policies relating to both the Smoke Free Places Act and the Tobacco Sales & Access Act. We have also been closely involved in national discussions regarding e-cigarettes and flavoured tobacco. Minister Currie has written a letter to the Federal Minister of Health asking for more federal oversight regarding flavoured tobacco. Our Office has participated in a virtual symposium on e-cigarettes within the last month with national colleagues including the Chief Medial Officers of Health representing each Province and Territory.


English Language School Board:   This resolution requests that the ELSB adopt and communicate the former Eastern District Policy ADC – Tobacco Product Usage Ban. The operational policies of the former Eastern School District and Western School Board remain in place for schools in their respective jurisdictions until superseded by newly developed policy and procedures of the ELSB. This particular matter is currently being addressed.


Education and Early Childhood Development:   The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development would support further restrictions on the sale of new tobacco products in PEI.

Tobacco education and prevention messages are integrated throughout the grade 1-9 Health curriculum – with a number of learning outcomes across the grades.

Informed by the 2010-11 Youth Smoking Survey data (collected as part of SHAPES), the PEI Tobacco Reduction Alliance, Department of Health and Wellness, and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development have been working together to created a new grade 10 resource on tobacco education and prevention.  This resource will be used within the new grade 10 phys ed/ wellness curriculum. and will focus on tobacco education, prevention, media awareness, and critical thinking skills.  This will build on what students have learned within grade 1-9.  It will be ready for the 2014-15 school year.

As this resolution conncerns our partners, I will defer the decsion on this resolution to the Department of Health and Wellness and the English Language School Board.