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Equity in all PEI Schools

Resolution Number: 2012-08
Submitted by: Mount Stewart Home and School Association

WHEREAS the P.E.I. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development states "The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is the leader in ensuring equitable opportunities for lifelong learning" , and

WHEREAS the learning opportunities in all rural and urban schools in Prince Edward Island are not equitable, and

WHEREAS Home and School Associations should not have to fund raise for items that are funded for some schools and not for others such as resource materials, technology equipment and physical education equipment;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PEIHSF request that the P.E.I. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development ensure all schools are equitable in all areas of school life.

Status: Passed
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Destination:Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
English Language School Board

Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, June 22, 2012 

While I agree with your philosophy, it is not always possible for everything to be equal at any one point in time. The age of our facilities, the size of our schools, multi-year funding models and priorities within schools are all factors which can contlibute to different resource accessibility.

Our objective is to work with the School Boards in their allocation of resources so that every school has the same opportunity to access lifelong learning opportunities.

We certainly include the PEI Home and School as a strong and essential member ofthe Provincial education team, and it is teamwork that will guarantee our success.

English Language School Board, October 9, 2012 

The Eastern School District ~ Western School Board supports equitable learning opportunities for all students. The Board allocates resources to all schools to ensure each school is able to deliver the curriculum and required programs as developed by the Department of Education. Local Home and School Association fundraising initiatives are welcome in that the funds support things such as additional library books, technology equipment, and physical education equipment. The additional books and equipment may enrich what is offered at the school, but are not required to deliver the school programs as mandated by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.