Submitted by: PEI Home and School Federation Board
WHEREAS the Minister’s IT Advisory Committee on Computer Information Technology has stated “Students must have access to information and tools to be able to apply innovation and creativity in solving real world problems.”, and,
WHEREAS there is significant opportunity for learning at home, especially when the home is equipped with a computer and access to the Internet and the information and tools it provides, and,
WHEREAS there is a clear trends toward an expectation by the education system that all homes are equipped with a computer and access to the Internet, both for communication to parents, for homework, and for students to gain general facility with technology, and
WHEREAS not all homes can afford the cost of a computer and Internet access, and, WHEREAS there is no concrete information about the availability of computers and Internet access in the home,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PEIHSF requests the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development take steps to:
- Regularly survey parents on the availability of computers and Internet access in the home,
- Provide the results of the survey to the Minister’s IT Advisory Committee on Computer Information Technology and directly to parents and educators,
- Request the Minister’s IT Advisory Committee on Computer Information Technology develop guidelines, based on the results of the survey, as to what can reasonably be expected of parents and students as regards technology in the home,
- Take steps to address the “digital divide” between homes with technology, network access and expertise and homes without, ensuring that all Island students have sufficient technology in their homes to allow them to meet curricular goals and expectations.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Destination: | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Department of Finance English Language School Board PEI Teachers Federation Premier of PEI |
Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, June 22, 2012
As you know, we are presently concentrating our efforts on increasing our technology capabilities within the school environment. The fiscal challenges here alone do not allow for an expansion of technology resources outside our education system.
I have asked my staff to look into what information is available to satisfy your request to survey technology in the home and will pass this information onto you should it be available.
With respect to Community Access Sites, which is a Government of Canada onitiative, it is unfortunate that federal funding has been cut to this program. The Province has also put consider able investment into having this access available to all Islanders as well. Our library system alone provides more than 125 publicly accissble computers province wide. Innovation PEI also recognizes the need to try and support this service and continues to look for ways to use existing assets in the Community Access Program system to strengthen and maintain public Internet service.
English Language School Board, October 9, 2012
The Eastern School District ~ Western School Board feels this resolution should be forwarded to the Minister’s Advisory Committee on CIT for their consideration and action.