Submitted by: PEI Home and School Federation Board
WHEREAS the line item in the Province of Prince Edward Island’s capital budget for capital spending on information technology is labelled “Computer Refresh,” and
WHEREAS this label does not accurately reflect the true purpose of this line item, which incorporates all capital spending related to information technology by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PEIHSF requests the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development move to relabel this line item in future capital budgets to “Computers and Information Technology”.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Destination: | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development English Language School Board Premier of PEI |
Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, June 22, 2012
Thank you for this recommendation and I will ask my staff to make a request to have this capital line budget name changed.
English Language School Board, October 9, 2012
This resolution requests direct action by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development.