Submitted by: Mount Stewart Consolidated Home and School Association
WHEREAS the current allotment of principals in Prince Edward Island schools (1 principal per 200 students and less than 20% vice principal per 200 students) is insufficient to address the needs of Prince Edward Island school children in schools with under 200 students, and
WHEREAS the principals of a small school is most directly responsible for maintaining the relationship between the school and the community, they develop a strategy for school-community relations, and
WHEREAS principals ensure that their schools allow both adults and children to put learning at the center of their daily activities, and
WHEREAS principals focus on building a sense of school community, and
WHEREAS principals play a major role in developing a "professional community" of teachers who guide one another in improving instruction, and
WHEREAS principals that are teaching courses in schools with under 200 students are required to attend the same meetings and Professional Development as other PEI principals as well as Professional Development in their subject matter,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PEI Home and School Federation request the Minister of Education and Lifelong Learning address principal allotment positions in Prince Edward Island schools, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the PEI Home and School Federation request the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning to demonstrate its commitment to PEI students by establishing a target of a minimum of one full time principal and one .50 vice principal for every PEI school.
DESTINATION: Department of Education and Lifelong Learning
This would directly impact 19 of PEI’s 56 English Language Schools having student populations as follows:
- Alberton Elementary – 118
- Amherst Cove Elementary – 118
- Belfast Consolidated – 109
- Cardigan Elementary – 100
- Georgetown Consolidated – 57
- Kinkora High – 156
- Morell Consolidated – 175
- Morell Regional High – 149
- Mt. Stewart Consolidated – 188
- O’Leary Elementary – 109
- Parkdale Elementary – 174
- Somerset Consolidated 151
- Southern Kings Consolidated – 188
- St. Jean Elementary – 107
- St. Louis Elementary– 112
- Tignish Elementary – 174
- Vernon River Consolidated – 183
- Donagh Regional – 206
- M.E. Callaghan Intermediate – 207
Monday, September 14, 2020
Destination: | Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture Public Schools Branch |
EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING (January 25, 2021): As you are aware, the allocation of staff to education authorities is provided for through the Minister’s Directive on Education Authority Staffing and Funding Program. It is very challenging to meet all of the staffing challenges facing the two education authorities in the province. Each year the department works with the two education authorities to prioritize their needs for the upcoming school year so these requests can be incorporated in the province’s budget process. Future enhancements to the principal allotment will be contingent on budget allocations and prioritizing the staffing needs of the education authorities.
We recognize the key role the principal plays in our schools. I am pleased that as part of additional COVID-19 staffing provided to education authorities in the 2020-21 school year there were additional allocations to enable principals in all 62 schools be released from teaching duties to focus on providing support to their students, staff and parents.