Semi-Annual Meeting, October 23, 2023
You are invited to register for the Semi-Annual Meeting coming up on Monday, October 23, 2023, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, at Central Queens Elementary School, 19821 2 Rte., Hunter River, PE C0A 1N0.
FEE: $8 per person Students – Free. Pay by e-Transfer to: ( or cash/cheque upon arrival.
REGISTER using the Online Google Form by Oct. 20th at 12 noon.
****Light refreshments will be provided.
*Business Meeting, Dionne Tuplin, President
*Financial Report, Craig Goodick, Treasurer
*Brief Updates/Adjournment of Business Session
*Panel Discussion
Moderators: Dionne Tuplin / Shannon Bruyneel
1. What is Home & School?
David Schult, Former international school teacher and administrator having worked overseas for over 24 years, in seven countries before returning to Canada in 2021. Currently he represents the Colonel Gray area of schools on the PEI Home and School provincial board.
***PURPOSE of the presentation is to provide background and context to what Home and School is and does; and also to share the presentation slide deck with local chapters to re-use and personalize for presentations to their local schools.
2. COMPASS Student Health Survey
Cody Davenport, PEI COMPASS Research Project Lead, PEI Chief Public Health Office, Department of Health and Wellness
***COMPASS is a student health survey that asks grade 7-12 students about their health and health behaviours including sedentary behaviours, physical activity, mental health, healthy eating, substance use, bullying, academic outcomes, and sleep. COMPASS was implemented during the 2022-2023 school year within 18 schools across the province. This presentation will share some of the initial results of the survey.
3. Screens in schools: simple ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the harms!
Dr. Travis Saunders, PhD, CSEP CEP, Professional Kinesiologist (he/him) Associate Professor, Department of Applied Human Sciences. His work focuses on the health impacts of physical activity and sedentary behaviour across the lifespan. In 2022 he led the development of international recommendations for school-related sedentary behaviour and screen use.
***SCREENS are an increasingly regular part of the school day. This brings both opportunities and challenges for student learning and health. Dr. Travis Saunders will give an overview of research on the ways that schools can maximize the benefits and minimize the harms of screen use in schools.
If you need more information, please Contact the Federation office at:
902-620-3186 | 1-800-916-0664 |
902-620-3186 | 1-800-916-0664 |