“Sticks and Stones” – PAGE Parent Engagement Project
"Sticks and Stones" – A Parent Engagement Project conceived by four Summerside area schools. It was a coming together of Summerside's Elementary Home and Schools for the Safety and Wellbeing of our Children.
Parkside, Athena, Greenfield, Elm Street (PAGE), Home and School Associations met collectively with school staff from the four schools to discuss school safety, health and wellness of students. These discussions resulted in the development of a questionnaire on Safety and Wellbeing of children. The survey was circulated to parents, students and teachers with a large response number.
PAGE, a group of parent representatives from Parkside, Athena, Greenfield and Elm Street Home and School associations, released the results of a parent, staff and student survey conducted in their schools which focused on bullying on March 28th. Contact Joanna Stewart bjstewart@eastlink.ca for more details. For more information, contact Joanna Stewart 902-436-6120.
The project was funded by:
PEI Home and School Federation's Parent Engagement Opportunity Fund