Call for Extra Mile Award Nominations to Recognize Teachers/Staff Personnel

The Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation is now accepting nominations for the Extra Mile Award. This award recognizes teachers and/or staff personnel who exemplify going the extra mile, over and above the call of duty, in Prince Edward Island’s public education system.

“We have many great educators and staff personnel in our school system who are unsung heros.” says Owen Parkhouse, President. “The evidence of going the extra mile in assisting a student to achieve academically, socially or in other areas of school life is important to the total well-being of the child/youth and is worthy of recognition.”
The PEI Home and School Federation highly regards these people in our education system and knows that all the extras given by an individual should not go unnoticed.

The award criteria includes a nominee having demonstrated a caring attitude towards Island students and the ability to motivate children and young adults; by example, time given bettered the life of these young Islanders and their volunteer service benefitted Island students and/or youth.

Nominations may be submitted by a local Home and School Association and/or individual member to the provincial Home and School Federation office by January 14, 2011. Two Extra Mile Awards will be awarded, one in the Western School Board and a second in the Eastern School District. Presentations will occur during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week in February.

Nomination forms are available on the Home and School Federation’s website here. For more information, contact us.