Dr. Helen MacDonald Collaboration and Facilitation Scholarship Recipients

September 2016


For Immediate Release


Dr. Helen MacDonald Collaboration and Facilitation Scholarship Recipients


The PEI Home and School Federation is pleased to announce that the following members have been awarded the Dr. Helen MacDonald Collaboration and Facilitation Scholarship: Deanna Bellamy, West Royalty Elementary School, Leanne Feehan, Mount Stewart Consolidated School, Bobbi Ford, Donagh Regional School and Shannon Johnston, Gulf Shore Consolidated School.


The new Collaboration and Facilitation Scholarship is intended to prepare a new generation of educational leaders to become even better at the collaborative discussions that are the heart of home and school. The scholarship recipients have committed to offering 20 hours of leadership and facilitation services to the PEI Home and School Federation and local home and school associations over the next 3 years. 


The scholarship covers the full tuition costs candidates to obtain a Collaborative Leadership and Facilitation Certificate from the University of Prince Edward Island in the fall/winter of 2016-2017. 


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For more information, contact the PEI Home and Federation office at 620-3196/1-800-916-0664 or peihsf@edu.pe.ca