Healthy School Food Program for fall 2020
1. Healthy School Food Program for fall 2020Island students will have increased access to healthy, affordable, and local food this upcoming school year. A new province-wide Healthy School Lunch Program will use a pay-what-you-can model, to a maximum of $5 per meal, in partnership with local producers to provide healthy food options that meet Canada’s Food Guide.
2. P.E.I. Home and School Federation consults on education plan for fall: Virtual town halls have allowed parent and student representatives to giver feedback, ask questions. P.E.I.'s Department of Education has hosted two town halls to consult with parent and student advocates as it prepares more detailed protocols for students' return to school in September.
3. Change in Public Schools Branch senior management Chair of the Public Schools Branch Board of Directors Bethany MacLeod issued the following statement on the new Acting Director of the Public Schools Branch: “The Public Schools Branch Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Norbert Carpenter as Acting Director of the Public Schools Branch effective Monday, July 27, 2020….
4. New Council to help rural developmentIslanders in rural PEI will benefit from a new council that will help ensure government decisions support various aspects of rural Prince Edward Island, such as people, communities, wellness and the environment. The 12 member Rural Communities Council will review government strategies, policies and decisions through a rural lens to help identify any potential impacts to rural PEI. All Islanders are encouraged to participate in a sort online survey "Give Feedback at