Healthy School Food, Resolutions, Awards, Staff Appreciation Week, Great Big Crunch….

Home and School News, January 2019


Healthy School Food Project Update

Morgan Palmer is working with the Public Schools Branch to develop and pilot a provincial school food strategy. As part of this project three School Food Think Tanks were held across P.E.I. this fall.

Three school video links follow which contain content on this School Food Environment Initiative. Nine schools are prepared to pilot a new school food program for PEI.


Affecting Change in PEI’s Education System

Resolutions are developed around issues that will affect positive change in our school system for all students’ benefit.  Your Home and School’s resolutions will be considered at the 66th Annual Meeting & Convention on April 13, 2019. Assistance with writing resolutions is available. Deadline to submit resolutions: Jan. 31, 2019



Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week | Extra Mile Award

Start planning in the New Year to celebrate school staff during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, February 11 – 15, 2019.  Home and schools are encouraged to find ways of saying thank you to staff members for their contributions to the lives of our children and youth. Nominate a school staff person (i.e. teacher, education / admin assistant, custodian) for the

PEI Home and School Federation’s Extra Mile Award.  Submission deadline is: Jan. 11,

2019.  More details are online at:



Annual Reports

Presidents of Home and School Associations are asked to submit an annual 1-2 page report  outlining your Home and School Association's activities for the 2018-2019 school year. Reports will be inserted into the Federation’s 2018-2019 Annual Book of Reports. If you need assistance, call 620-3186 | 1-800-916-0664 |  Please submit your report to the Federation office by Feb. 28th.



Coalition For Healthy School Food
Canada is the only G7 country without a national school food program. Help us ensure every child in Canada has access to healthy food at school.

Sign the E-1957 (Food Policy) Petition to the House of Commons 
For more info contact Debbie Field at: | 416 537-6856


2019 Great Big Crunch
The next "official" Great Big Crunch will take place on March 28th at 2:30 p.m. EST. Click here to register your School/Home and School! Find out more here:
”What a fantastic way to celebrate nutrition, raise awareness of various food discussions, and encourage a sense of both school and national unity!" – Salem Elementary School in New Brunswick