Home and School News, April 2018
1. Registration is open for the PEI Home and School Federation's 65th Annual General Meeting on April 14, 2018.
Annual General Meetings Details | Register Online
Any parent, guardian, teacher, administrator or staff person at any PEIHSF member school is invited to the meeting with each member school appointing five (5) individuals to attend as voting delegates. Membership fees must be paid to allow voting privileges to voting delegates. Ensure that your Home and School is represented at the 65th AGM. Associations are encouraged to pay registration fees, travel and accommodation expenses for your delegates to reduce barriers to attending.
Registration deadline has been moved to Friday, April 6, 2018. https://peihsf.ca/
Need more info? Call: 620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664
2. Resolutions
Resolutions will be voted on at the Annual General Meeting, April 14th. Review the proposed Policy Resolutions Home and School Associations are asked to review and vote on these resolutions at your next home and school meeting. Each Home and School's voting delegates should reflect the opinions of the parents, guardians, teachers, and staff in your school.
3. Awards
School Crossing Guard of the Year Award: This award recognizes a school crossing guard on Prince Edward Island for their service in keeping our walking students safe. Nominations deadline: April 27. https://peihsf.ca/awards
School Bus Driver of the Year Award: This award recognizes school bus drivers on Prince Edward Island for their service in keeping our students safe as they travel to and from school each day. Nominations deadline: May 11. https://peihsf.ca/awards
4. Welcome to Kindergarten Program
The Welcome to Kindergarten Program is designed to help prepare preschoolers for a positive start to their school journey. Parents and their children attend spring Welcome to Kindergarten orientation sessions at their schools, where they receive early learning and literacy resources and learn how to use them at home. Since 2004, more than 450,000 children and families in Canada have taken part in Welcome to Kindergarten orientations. Welcome to Kindergarten spring session dates.
5. Science Fair
The PEI Home and School Federation awards two annual Science Fair Specialty Prizes.
Congratulations to this year's recipients:
– Madelyn MacPherson & Enya Burnett, Summerside Intermediate School, Gr. 7, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fertilizer
– Elliott Shea, Alberton Elementary School, Gr. 6 Effects of Smoking
Photos are posted at: https://peihsf.ca/content/2018-pei-science-fair-home-school-prizes-awarded
~ National Volunteer Week: Celebrate the value of volunteering April 15-21, 2018.
~ Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Teaching deadline: April 1st. Cash prizes for individuals / schools. Contact Joanne at: jdawson@canadashistory.ca or 1-866-952-3444 or go to: http://www.canadashistory.ca/Explore/Awards/Know-a-Teacher-Who-Made-a-Difference
~ Canadian Mental Health Association and Island First Aid Services will be hosting a 2-day Mental Health First Aid – Adults who Interact with Youth Workshop on April 9 – 10, 2018, 14 Myrtle Street, Stratford, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The Mental Health First Aid Canada program aims to improve mental health literacy. Contact Les Wagner 436-7399 / 853-4180
~Creating Respectful Learning Environments for All Gender Identities and Sexualities: Starting with the premise that every learner has the right to a respectful, welcoming and safe learning environment, this 15 minute presentation followed by a 30 minute Q&A will review evidence-based best practices for creating and maintaining inclusive learning environments for all students, without regard to sexual orientation and or gender identity or expression. Speaker contact: Tom Hilton, Education Project Officer, PEI Human Rights Commission thilton@peihumanrights.ca p/ 902-368-4180 or 1-800-237-5031 (PEI only).