Home and School News, January 2020
Extra Mile Award
Nominate a school staff person (i.e. teacher, education / admin assistant, custodian) for the PEI Home and School Federation’s Extra Mile Award. Submission deadline is: Jan. 17. More details are online at: https://peihsf.ca/extramile
Affecting Change in PEI’s Education System
Resolutions are developed around issues that will affect positive change in our school system for all students’ benefit. Your Home and School’s resolutions will be considered at the 67th Annual Meeting & Convention on April 18, 2020. What are the issues that are impacting student learning, student wellness and safety? Check online for help with writing resolutions and/or contact the federation office. Deadline to submit resolutions: Jan. 3, 2020.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week | Extra Mile Award
National Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, Feb. 10-14 provides opportunity for Home and Schools communities to recognize the hard work of our teachers and school staff. Form a special committee to plan something special to say thank you!
Home and School Annual Reports
Presidents of Home and School Associations are asked to submit an annual 1-2 page report detailing your Home & School Association's activities for this school year. Reports will be inserted into the Federation’s 2019-2020 Annual Book of Reports. If you need assistance, call 620-3186 | 1-800-916-0664 | peihsf@edu.pe.ca. Please submit your report to the Federation office by Feb. 28th.
What's on your Home and School meeting's agenda?
The PEIHSF works to help parents become better informed and more involved in their student’s learning. Join in the educational conversations through Local Home and School Associations. When you receive information from the Federation, add topics to your Home and School agenda for discussion. Topics may include: PEI government is returning to an elected school board; school food, student/staff wellness issues, youth vaping, bullying, etc.
If you have questions about the above info, please contact us at peihsf@edu.pe.ca or 902-620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664
Other ……
How to start a book club for small kids: A book club for small kids isn’t all that different from your typical neighbourhood version.
How can parents support their children’s development as writers? What does the research tell us about effective strategies for teaching writing? Check writing resources at: Reading Rockets – Writing
The latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results indicate that Canadian students remain among the top 10 performers in the world. Of the 79 countries and economies that participated in PISA 2018, Canada ranked fourth in reading, 10th in mathematics and sixth in science. The Canadian report can be found at www.pisacan.ca