Home and School news, November 2018

Home and School News  November 2018


1.          Membership Fees

Local Home and School Association membership fees are due November 30th
See form online at: https://peihsf.ca/wp-content/uploads/files/2018-2019%20Membership%20Fee%20Form.pdf



2.         Parent Leadership Grants

The submission deadline has been moved to Friday, November 2, 2018
See application online at: https://peihsf.ca/wp-content/uploads/files/2018-2019%20Home%20and%20School%20Grant%20Application_2_1.pdf



3.         Cannabis Information Sessions

October 29 – Three Oaks High School, 6:30 p.m,  Speakers: Sergeant Ron MacLean – Summerside Police, Dr. David Sabapathy – Deputy Chief Public Health Officer, Jiselle Bakker – Health and Wellness Project Manager for Cannabis, Sterling Carruthers – School Health Specialist, Education, Early Learning and Culture

November 14 – Belfast Consolidated School, 6:30 p.m.;  Speakers: Melissa Munro-Bernard; Health Promoter Chief Public Health Office; Gillian Claybourne; Youth Addictions Counsellor

November 22 – Westisle High School, 6:30 p.m. Speakers:TBA



4.         Effecting Change through Resolutions
Home and School executive members are asked to hold a discussion at November / December meetings and consider presenting an issue in education  that is affecting the learning success of students to influence change at the provincial level through the Federation’s advocacy policies.  It is useful and practical to effect change by using a formal resolution writing process. Resolutions will be presented to the Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 13, 2019. 

The submission deadline is: January 31, 2019.  For assistance, phone the Federation office: 620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664 and/or check our website at:  https://peihsf.ca/making_resolutions



5.         Public Schools Branch

The next meeting of the PSB will be held on November 14th , 7:30 p.m. at Lucy Maud Montgomery School.


6.         National Child Day, November 20
National Child Day is celebrated on November 20th each year.  Canada has celebrated since 1993 to commemorate the United Nations' adoption of two documents centered on children's rights: the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1959, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1989.  Find more information at:


7.         2019 Prime Minister’s Awards
Nomination Deadline:  January 14, 2019 (23:59 Pacific time) for Teaching Excellence, Teaching Excellence in Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM),  Excellence in Early Childhood Education




~Nominate a person, organization or school for Environmental School Challenge Award valued at $3,000. Find the Nomination Form at:  www.princeedwardisland.ca/environmentalawards


~Cannabis Resources:

PEI Teacher Platform:  https://learn.edu.pe.ca/

PEI Cannabis Web Site – “Just the Facts”: https://www.justthefactspei.ca/

Learn ‘Just the Facts’: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/news/learn-just-facts-about-cannabis-use

Cannabis Talk Kit:  https://www.drugfreekidscanada.org/prevention/drug-info/cannabis/