Home and School News, November 2019
1. Semi-Annual Follow up
– Sharing of Ideas “Live Story” by Dionne Tuplin online.
– Youth Vaping in PEI PDF presented by Sterling Carruthers and Melissa Munro-Bernard is online.
Please note the slides are for information purposes. Home and School Associations are asked to arrange vaping presentations in Families of Schools by contacting Sterling sdcarruthers@edu.pe.ca or 902-438-4134.
2. Membership Fees
Local Home and School Association membership fees are due November 1st. Forms were mailed to Association presidents/treasurers and are online.
3. Parent Leadership Grants
PL Project grants up to $1,000 are available to Home and School Associations. Projects are to focus on parent leadership and engagement in your school community. Click here for Application.
For more information, contact: peihsf@edu.pe.ca / 620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664
Submission deadline Friday, November 8, 2019
4. Premier’s Education Mandate Letter
The Minister of Education and Lifelong Learning received a Mandate Letter from Premier King, with direction to lead PEI’s efforts to develop and deliver excellent high-quality education in English and French for Island children from birth to Grade 12. Hon. Trivers will lead development and implementation of a school food program and return to elected school boards. Click here for Letter.
5. Effecting Change through Resolutions
It is useful and practical to effect change by using a formal resolution writing process. Home and School members are asked to consider presenting an issue in education that is affecting the learning success of students to influence change at the provincial level through the Federation’s advocacy policies (i.e. vaping & youth, student wellness, curriculum needs, student health, school bus safety, etc.). For more information: peihsf@edu.pe.ca / 620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664. Resolution submission deadline: January 31, 2020.