Home and School News, October 2024

🍎 Register for Semi-Annual Meeting

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation’s Semi-Annual Meeting will be held on Mon., Oct. 21, 2024, 6–8 pm at Central Queens Elementary School, Hunter River.   Topics & Speakers are:

* Cody Davenport, COMPASS program surveys grades 7-12 students; will share survey results
and plans for the 2024-2025 school year.

* Courtney Shaffer, Inspector = What are Food Safety guidelines/supports for school food programs?
*Samantha Dougay, Dietitian = What’s in a healthy breakfast menu?
* Heather Walker, Spring Park = This is how our breakfast program works.
*David Schult for Sterling Carruthers = Education and Early Years funding for school breakfast and snack programs

  • Parents, educators, and students are welcome in your school community.
  • Invite your school’s breakfast program volunteers.

REGISTER by Oct. 16/24: https://forms.gle/tbamHFKUu8ebi4fv9

Training Workshops for Volunteers

Vicki Bryanton and Stephen Gould will lead Home and School Training Workshops as follows:
Nov. 4 – Ellerslie Consolidated School, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Nov. 5 – Eliot River Elementary School, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Guidance for executive positions (i.e., President, Co/Vice President, Secretary); Bookkeeping tips for Treasurers and general information for all volunteers. No cost. Register by emailing peihsf@gov.pe.ca or call 902-620-3186 by Oct. 30.


🍎 Crossing Guard Recognition Award
Awards recognize deserving individuals in school communities. The P.E.I. Home and School Federation Crossing Guard Award celebrates individuals who help keep students safe every school day.  Nominations are due Nov. 1.  Find the application at: https://peihsf.ca/Crossing-Guard-Award.


 🍎 Parent Leadership Grants
Funds available for up to $500 for Home and Schools to organize parent educational information sessions. Invite speakers to address topics of interest to your school community (i.e., Mental Wellness, Student Well Being Teams, Cyberbullying Awareness, School Food Programs, Proper Use of Cell Phones). Submission deadline: Nov. 8. PL Grant online: https://peihsf.ca/grants/


🍎 PSB Public meetings: Charlottetown Family of Schools study

The Board of Trustees is now engaging with the Charlottetown school community and stakeholders to receive feedback on the recommendations contained in the report. To review the report, visit the Public Schools Branch’s website. Share your feedback by emailing psb-schoolreview@edu.pe.ca using “Charlottetown Family of Schools” in the subject line by Oct. 18/24. Share input by attending a public meeting: Oct. 1, 6:30 pm, Spring Park Elementary; Oct. 8, 2024, 6:30 pm, Charlottetown Rural High School; Oct. 10, 2024, 6:30 pm, Birchwood Intermediate School.


🍎 PEI’s Auditor General’s Report: Healthiness of Food in Schools, Sept. 18/24

 🍎 Education and Economic Development: Public Schools Branch
Staffing Presentation, Sept. 19/24