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Academic Outcomes

Resolution Number: 2011-07
Submitted by: Stonepark Home and School Association

WHEREAS the primary purpose of the educational system is to provide students with basic education as well as knowledge and intellectual skills to move into the work force or pursue post secondary education, so that students can participate fully in and contribute to the rapidly changing and technology-dominated global society, and

WHEREAS the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) measures educationa loutcome sin three key areas(1eading,mathematics and science), assessing the extent to which youth at age 15 have acquired the essential knowledge and skills for full participation in modern society, and

WHEREAS PISA scores for PEI students decreased significantly from 2000 to 2009 – PET students went from performing above the average in Organisation for Economic Co-opet ation and Economic Development (OECD) countries for reading in 2000 to scoring below the OECD average in 2009; in 2003, PEI students scored at the OECD average in math and above the OECD average in science, while in 2009 PEI scores were below the OECD average in both domains, and

WHEREAS the recent NSA report confirms that PET was the only province in Canada to score below the OECD average in each of the three domains: reading, mathematics and science, and

WHEREAS the 2008-09 Annual Report of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development reports an average mark of 59 percent on an intermediate math assessment completed by 2000 PET students; and

WHEREAS the 2005 Task Force on Student Achievement Report highlighted the importance of the PEI public education system recognizing the relevance of existing social and global standards as a measure of student achievement, and

WHEREAS an under-performing public education system is a major hindrance to the economic prosperity and competitiveness of our province and contributes to a sense of mediocrity instead of excellence;

BE IT RESOLVED that, pursuant the School Act, the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development establish and publicly declare the expected PET academic outcomes and standards of academic performance for mathematics, science and reading, that compare favorably with national and international standards, and take immediate steps to assess the extent to which outcomes are achieved and standards are met, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development hold School Boards accountable for achievement of academic outcomes and meeting the standards of academic performance as set by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that School Boards hold school administrators accountable, through the school improvement planning process and annual performance review, for the achievement of academic outcomes and meeting the standards of academic performance as set by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development

Status: Passed
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Destination:Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
English Language School Board
French Language School Board

Education and Early Childhood Devleopment, December 13, 2011
Approximately 25,000 students attend PEI's publicly funded schools.  The primary grades include kindergarten to Grade 3.  The focus in these early years is to build a foundation in key areas such as math and literacy which will provide ethe basis whereby all other academic achievement will grow.

Presently, we assess all our students at Grades 3, 6 and 9.  For each assessment, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has declared the expected outcome.  For 2010-2011, the expected outcome for Grade 3 reading was 68%, for Grade 3 Math, 74%, Grade 6 reading, 76%.

The Grade 6 Math Assessment is under development during this school year.  The province will set the standard through a cut score session after the assessment is written in October 2012.  This process is standard to setting the standard for all provincial assessments.

For Grade 9 Math the standard has not been set as there is a new assessment which has just been field tested in May 2011.  The new assessment will be administered in June 20122.  At this time a standard will be set for this assessment.

Given the fact that the province has immplemented the assessment program over the past four years, the Department in collaboration with shcool boards is now in a better positioni to declare the expected PEI outcomes and thus will have clear standards for all students as we move forward.

For school boards with schools who are not meeting the expectations, a school development plan must address the need and provide a plan to address achievement gaps by October of each year for every school that is not meeting the expectation.  This plan will be closely monitored by the board to ensure success.

School boards shall hold school administers accountable, through the school development planning process, annual performance review and provincial achievement scores, for the achievement of academic outcomes and meeting the standards of academic performance as set by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development.

Eastern School District, August 29, 2011
The Eastern School District recognizes the importance of academic standards and benchmarks to establish student achievement of the curriculum.  District staff has been collaborating with Department specialists on achievement standards for reading and writing across the grade levels.

The Eastern School District recognizes the value of professional growth plans in meeting the ongoing professional development needs of instructional staff.   As well, the District has implemented an online school development reporting site.

The Eastern School District notes that an effective accountability structure needs to be supported by mechanisms for curriculum review and development, educational process and structures, human and operational resources, and ongoing professional development.

The Eastern School District acknowledges the importance of literacy to the success of student achievement in reading, mathematics and science.   The District Literacy Actioni Plan (DLAP) has been devised to enhance student literacy and achievement.  The DLAP working group implemented 17 of 53 actions in its first year and will continue to partner with educational stakeholders to positively affect student achievement across the curricula.

The Eastern School District is committed to improving student achievement through a systemic, and comprehensive accountability structure.

Western School Board, July 13, 2011
The Western School Board agrees that the purpose of the public education system is to provide students with the skills and knowledge that will allow them to pursue post secondary studies or successfully transition into the work force.  We recognize the need to "raise the bar" and work with diligence and precisoin to close the achievement gap.  We recognize a particular need to focus on literacy from Kindergarten to Grade Twelve.  To that end, the Western School Board is in the process of reviewing our student achievement data, including our performance on the common assessments, as part of a wider needs assessment.  From this, we will establish and publish ambitious goals in terms of literacy and we will focus our efforts on building teacher capacity in order to increase literacy achievement for all students.

Schools are accountable for student achievement and strive to support students to meet the academic outcomes outlined by the Department of Education.  We will continue to promote high yield instructional strategies and use student assessment data, including PISA data and PEI common assessment data, to make informed decisions about instruction and increase student achievement across all grades.