Submitted by: Prince Street Home and School Association
WHEREAS urgent issues may arise outside school hours and on weekends and holidays that require quick decisions or timely resolution that may affect students, their families, and school staff; and
WHEREAS each school's Home and School leaders have a role to play in providing valuable input into these decisions and helping to plan for the effects on students, their families, and school staff; and
WHEREAS Home and School members do not have access to clear processes to reach school and/or education decision-makers outside school hours and on weekends and holidays; and
WHEREAS Home and School members wish to respect the privacy and personal time of school and/or education decision-makers;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PEI Home and School Federation request that the Public Schools Branch establish a clear protocol for communicating with school and education decision-makers when urgent situations arise outside school hours and require timely resolution.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Destination: | Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture Public Schools Branch |
PUBLIC SCHOOLS BRANCH (July 10/18): Home and School members who wish to contact the PSB about an urgent matter, can reach the school principal or the Director of the PSB by email. Staff emails can be accessed throught the PSB website under Contact Us.
Local Home and School Association presidents are encouraged to maintain a current phone list for their school administrators. They are also welcome to contact the Director of the PSB by phone 902-268-6850, or by email
EDUCATION, EARLY LEARNING AND CULTURE (October 22, 2018): The Public Schools Branch provides staff emails through tthe PSB website under "Contact Us" and therefore contact information for all principals and the Director of the PSB is readily available.