Submitted by: Prince Street Home and School Association
WHEREAS much of the energy, creativity, effort, and work related to successful innovative school-based programs (such as community programs held at school, extracurricular programs, and staff-led learning intervention programs) come from the collaboration of many school and community members including students, teachers, administrators, staff, parents, home and school committees, and the wider school community, and
WHEREAS schools and their communities have much invested in programs old and new, and
WHEREAS school boards must respond to concerns about school-based programs and make decisions about the future of such programs, and
WHEREAS school boards have processes for handling complaints and concerns but no formal requirement to communicate with local home and schools or to include them or the wider community in problem-solving, planning, decision-making, or conflict resolution, and
WHEREAS unequal access to information can shut out local home and schools (as organizations representing the school-wide community);
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PEI Home and School Federation requests the English Language School Board consults with and include local home and school organizations in communications and planning processes when the ELSB decision suspends or significantly changes or abolishes an established program.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Destination: | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development English Language School Board |
English Language School Board: The English Language School Board values local school programming which supports school board policy and enriches a student’s school experience. Changes to local school programming will be made in consultation with school administration and communicated to students and parents through the school principal. (October 15, 2015)
Education, Early Learning and Culture: As this resolution relates to the operations of the school board, I will defer this to the English Language School Board for their response. (October 20, 2015)