Home » Resolutions » Increase to 5 Period Days for High School by Decreasing Class Length to 60 Minutes

Increase to 5 Period Days for High School by Decreasing Class Length to 60 Minutes

Resolution Number: 2017-07
Submitted by: Westisle Parent Council/Home and School Association

WHEREAS     an all around education includes opportunities to explore interests through elective courses and students that are able to do this would be better equipped to make informed choices for post-secondary education, and

WHEREAS     the number of mandated classes was increased in 2015 to include a grade 10 physical education class as well as a career exploration class and a creativity and innovation class, and

WHEREAS    the current high school programming is a semestered system with four 75 minute classes per day for 2 semesters to give a total of 24 credits over 3 years, 20 of which are needed for graduation with 12 that are mandatory, and students pursuing certain programs like advanced sciences and French immersion have little room for elective courses over the three years, and

WHEREAS     it is felt that 75 minute periods are too long to keep students engaged and productive, and

WHEREAS     the French School Board has already implemented a 5 period/day semestered system and have adjusted curriculum and graduation requirements accordingly, and

WHEREAS    the Department of Education is stressing career planning by making the Career Explorations course mandatory for high school students, it has decreased the opportunity for students to explore through other elective courses i.e. music, foods, computer science;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the PEIHSF request that the Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture review its current semestered system and consider switching to a five period day of 60 minute classes and adjust curriculum and graduation requirements accordingly.

Status: Passed
Saturday, April 8, 2017

Destination:Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture
PEI Teachers Federation
Public Schools Branch

Education, Early Learning and Culture:
This concept has been discussed and continues to be discussed at various levels of the education system. There are various components to consider at the curriculum level, the staffing level and the infrastructure level before making a major shift like this one in high schools. At the present time, the Department is working with the Public Schools Branch to address the transitions that have resulted from the recommendations of the School Review Process. The priority is to focus on student's needs to ensure a smooth transition. Across the system, three goals have been identified: High-Quality Education, Well-Being and Public Confidence. We are focusing our efforts on these goals through the implementation of new curriculum using the Essential Graduation Learning Competencies, focused professional learning for teachers, the Student Well-Being Supports Program, the Student Transition and Graduation Planner and through communication with all partners in the educational system.