Submitted by: PEI Home and School Federation Board
WHEREAS the capital budget for information technology in the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has been reduced, in fiscal year 2012-2013 from $500,000 to $0, and,
WHEREAS the Minister’s IT Advisory Committee on Computer Information Technology has clearly stated that “A robust, reliable network is essential for enabling students, teachers and administrators to use digital tools and resources that are crucial for providing a 21st century education.” and that “Students must have access to information and tools to be able to apply innovation and creativity in solving real world problems.”, and,
WHEREAS the Minister’s IT Advisory Committee on Computer Information Technology has identified that the state of the computers, network and supporting infrastructure in the provinces schools is in need of significant investment, and,
WHEREAS principals, teachers and staff have provided anecdotal reports that the current state of technology infrastructure in Island schools leaves them lacking the appropriate tools and network resources to pursue curricular goals in a way that best integrates computer technology,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PEIHSF requests the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development move to restore the capital budget for the information technology for the 2012-2013 year, and take steps to further increase this budget in
future years so as to adequately outfit Island schools sufficient to meet the infrastructure needs laid out by Minister’s IT Advisory Committee on Computer Information Technology.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Destination: | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development English Language School Board Premier of PEI |
Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, June 22, 2012
The Department is presently working with Information Technology Shared Services Division of Finance, Energy, and Municipal Affairs to identify gaps in the education network and will be preparing a request for additional funding for Septernber 2012 to upgrade the system.
We continue to work on the recommendations as suggested by the Minister's Advisory Committee on Computer Information Technology and I am happy to report that within the next 12 months we hope to be completing part of Recornmendation 1, Priority 2 of having at a minimum, LCD devices for all grades on PEI.
While recognized by the Advisory Committee as priority 3 after teacher training etc, we are focusing our priority on our infrastructure including network, bandwidth and storage needs We believe that in order to take advantage of the teaching oppottunities availabie we will need a robust network which will give us the ability to advance in this area.
English Language School Board, October 9, 2012
This resolution requests direct action by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development.