Submitted by: Spring Park Home and School Association
WHEREAS according to Statistics Canada, in 2011i, approximately one third of Canadian children between the ages of 5 and 17 were obese and given the amount of time children spend in school, we must recognize the school setting is one that significantly influences students’ food choices and intakes and, consequently, affects their overall health and weight, and
WHEREAS healthy food choices and practices have been linked with learning readiness and academic success, as well as fewer discipline and emotional problems ii, and
WHEREAS a study out of Harvard iii found that when children had a school lunch period of less than 20 minutes, they consumed less of their entrees, vegetables and milk, and they were less likely to choose a fruit to go with their meal, and
WHEREAS the PEI Public Schools Branch states in their School Nutrition Policy 2.4.1 a) Schools SHALL allow a minimum of 20 minutes for students to eat lunch iv. (Note: This should not include time to stand in line, travel to lunch areas, or prepare foods), and
WHEREAS the PEI Public Schools Branch also states in their School Nutrition Policy:
2.4.1 b) In the elementary setting, encourage that foods are eaten after outside play, whenever possible and
2.4.1 c) Assure that lunch is eaten in a calm positive environment iv;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PEI Home and School Federation requests the Public Schools Branch to strictly enforce its policy of a minimum 20-minute school lunch eating time for all students, keeping in mind that this is eating time only; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the PEI Home and School Federation requests the Public Schools Branch to ensure that elementary students will eat their lunch after outside play, whenever possible, in a calm and positive environment to facilitate healthy eating in a relaxed atmosphere that is not distracted and hurried.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Destination: | Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture Department of Health and Wellness English Language School Board Health PEI |
Education, Early Learning, and Culture:
The concept of a "Provincial School Food Strategy" would need to be positioned as part of a larger provincial food strategy or initiative. Although it is recognized that schools are a key setting to influence the healthy eating habits of both students and staff (through formal education, school nutrition policies, and health promoting environments) this work would need to be imbedded within a larger provincial strategy. All stakeholders within the education system, as well as other departments, business sectors and community partners, would need to be engaged in any future discussions. The School Food Guiding Principles, recently adopted by the PEIHSF, would be an important consideration to include in this work.
As you know, the PEI Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is currently leading the development of a new Community Food Security and Food Education Program. This new program is the result of community and grass-root organizations who have identified that local food systems should be a priority. This program will include support for three local food pilot projects in schools which will aim to increase the amount of local food available on lunch menus. Other small grants will be administered to support projects which increase local food education in schools; knowledge of where food comes from; community food security partnerships; and sustainable models. Applications for funding will be reviewed and adjudicated by a committee of government and community representatives who will make recommendations to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. The results of these projects, in which the Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture, Public School Branch, Department of Health and Wellness and PEIHSF representatives are key partners, will help us collectively understand local food systems and how to increase school's access.
The Department of Health and Wellness remains a key partner in supporting the healthy eating environment in schools. Two new Healthy Eating Officers have been visiting schools to explore school specific needs regarding breakfast/snack program implementation, school nutrition policy adherence, and other areas of interest. Their future work will include a possible revision of the School Nutrition Policy, which was first adopted in 2005 by elementary/consolidated schools, then expanded to include intermediate and senior high schools in 2011. The revision process would engage all school stakeholders (i.e., students, teachers, parents, government and community) in the discussion. During the revision process, key elements, such as appropriate time for lunch and eating lunch after outside play, would be important components to consider carrying forward.