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SHAPES School-Based Data

Resolution Number: 2013-05
Submitted by: PEIHSF Board of Directors

WHEREAS the School Health Action Planning and Evaluation System (SHAPES) survey provides schools with valuable data about student mental health, nutrition, fitness and substance abuse issues, and

WHEREAS parental engagement is key to interventions and program modifications required to use SHAPES data to improve student health, and

WHEREAS SHAPES data is currently made available to parents at the discretion of school principals, many of whom have opted not to share the data;

BE IT RESOLVED that the PEI Home and School Federation request the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development to ensure that original school-based data is reported to parents and teachers in a timely fashion in each school thereby allowing them to collaborate on the results.

BE IT RESOLVED that all schools be required to participate in the SHAPES survey.

Status: Passed with Amendments
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Destination:Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Department of Health and Wellness
English Language School Board

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, October 11, 2013

As outlined above, the School Health Action Planning and Evaluation System (SHAPES) has been implemented since 2008 in conjunction with the Youth Smoking Survey (YSS). Although SHAPES/VSS is not mandatory, participation rates have remained high with 85-90% of schools participating in the survey each year. In 2012-13, through a SHAPES/YSS evaluation process, principals cited the following reasons for their participation: concern for students’ health and wellness, the need for information/feedback about their students and school, and the need for school-based evidence to inform planning and decision making. Schools principals are encouraged to share their school survey results with student, teachers, parents, and community partners to help identify priorities and to develop initiatives to help address these need. Department and UPEI staffs are available for presentations, discussions, or interpretations of the individual school level data, and have completed dozens of these presentations over the past two years. We strongly encourage individual Home and School Associations to work with their principal to explore if their school has participated in SHAPES/YSS, how they may access the data, and to explore the roles parent and community volunteers can play in helping to address the school level needs.

English Language School Board, June 3, 2013

The information gleaned through the SHAPES survey is meaningful to the school district and its individual schools.  Any directive requiring the participation of students in the survey and the provision of this data to parties will be followed.  Until that occurs, the participation in the survey and the distribution of school results will be on a voluntary basis.