Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, Feb. 13-19
Home and School News, February 2022
1. Town Hall Webinar Links
Thank You for your feedback and support of the P.E.I. Home and School Federation’s Town Halls on “How to support your students at home with online learning.” Webinar links for the recorded sessions are below and on our website at: www.peihsf.ca. These will be available online for the next two weeks.
Elementary School Families K-6
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ZyrGf6TFwwHYaPxEpeDs7DgIfU1PnR9KxQhKdw6qzW fwbjVC3cE4VMOTm-p1_iIv.PF9gnPEJb17Ad9hE Passcode: 0vH.sD#0
Intermediate/ High School Families 7-12
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/FwV_R6nPerYwkf3PXwUd6kmjw2U6Tr8Y4P1U48ITZmHupHO70vaIRxT95hdYz6GS.xIiwxaCVwCI-VfC_ Passcode: $gdS3!^h
2. Resolution Reminder
Resolutions concerning educational topics are due, Monday, Jan. 31.
What topics make good resolutions?
~Any issue that affects students and schools across the province such as: class size and composition,
efficiencies in education, wellness, clear procedures at schools for student/teacher/parent reporting
handling of violent incidents, personal safety issues, school lockdown, and more.
Learn more about: How to write and present a Resolution and Use the Fillable Resolution Form
3. Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
Celebrate Teachers/Staff Appreciation Week, February 13-19, 2022.
Home and School Associations can plan ways to thank school staff during Teacher/Staff Appreciation week. Start now. Form a committee of 2-4 to brainstorm ideas on ways to thank school staff.
4. President’s 2021-2022 Annual Reports
President’s Annual Reports are due, Feb. 28. Write about parent, student and school community experiences with on line learning, parent-teacher interviews, fundraising, school celebrations, parent leadership projects, etc. Your Home and School Association’s report will be in included in the 2021 Annual Book of Reports. To help get you started, click here to find a template or call the office at 902-620-3186/1800-916-0664 for assistance.
5. NEW Deadline: Parent Leadership Grants
Submit a Parent Leadership Project grant by our 2nd deadline, Feb. 28. Find project ideas on our website, www.peihsf.ca and submit a Parent Leadership Grant application.
6. Volunteer Award
Home and School’s volunteer award is about recognizing the significant contributions that volunteers makes to help people in their school communities. Associations are asked to consider nominating a Home and School member for this year’s award(s). The submission deadline is: Mar. 11. Find the nomination for on our website: www.peihsf.ca or Click here for Nomination form.
7. 69th Annual Meeting & Convention
The P.E.I. Home and School Federation’s Annual General Meeting & Convention will be held Saturday, April 9, 2022 at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel. More information will be communicated directly to presidents.
Stay up to date with PEIHSF
As the PEIHSF continues its mission of bringing together parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, and staff to promote the total well-being of children and the highest standards of education for each child in the province, we invite you to join our new mailing list. Click here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/sBzhpaU/PEIHSF:
More….PEI Supports and Online Education links
~PEI 211 https://pe.211.ca/
~PEI Google Classroom Support for Parents and Guardians – https://sites.google.com/cloud.edu.pe.ca/assistance/home
~Remote Learning FAQs – https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and-
~Student Wellbeing Teams https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and- lifelong-learning/student-well-being-teams
~Public School Branch https://edu.princeedwardisland.ca/psb/
~PEI Home and School Federation https://peihsf.ca/