Wrapping up the school year

Another school year is almost in the books. This year has seen its fair share of challenges, and our students, faculty, staff, and volunteers have prevailed over those obstacles. But, we’ve also found reasons to celebrate.

The Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation (PEIHSF) was honored to distribute 4 Extra Mile Awards to very deserving recipients in May and June: Pam MacLeod, resource teacher from Cardigan Elementary; Krista Bryson, music teacher from Three Oaks Senior High School in Summerside; Randy Reardon, principal from Englewood Consolidated School in Crapaud; and Bertha Hogan, education assistant from West Kent Elementary. You certainly exemplify going the extra mile for your students.

Through its resolution process, the federation requested the government in 2018 to return to an elected school board. On May 5, 2022, the provincial government amended the Education Act, fulfilling its commitment to reinstate an elected school board. For more information about the upcoming changes, go to https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/news/moving-forward-on-reinstating-an-elected-school-board


There are changes to how the P.E.I. School Food Program will collect meal orders until the end of the school year. Notices were sent to parents informing them, ensuring no disruption in getting lunches to the students. Read more at https://mailchi.mp/7aa05123ed17/ordering-now-open-7222849?e=d5c9a78e6c.

The School Calendar for the 2022-2023 year is live and available for viewing. Go to https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and-lifelong-learning/2022-2023-school-calendar for a copy.

Congratulations to all the graduates on Prince Edward Island, from elementary to high school, and all the best wishes as you start your new ventures. As we come together to celebrate our children, let’s hold close to our hearts and minds the families and community members of Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

As the school year draws to a close, now is a great time to consider electing new members to your home and school and/or parent council executives. June is also an excellent time to elect a new executive and board members to your Home and School Associations. Remember, all of our members are volunteers. Without you, nothing is possible. Stepping up to volunteer is a great way to give back and help make changes and improvements. Anyone who needs guidance on holding elections should contact the P.E.I. Home and School Federation office at 902-620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664 /www.peihsf.ca.

As the weather gets warmer and the days longer, the summer is an excellent time for reading. Find summer reading ideas for students at community libraries and online at: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and-lifelong-learning/online-library-resources.

Have a great summer, be safe, and we look forward to seeing you all for the 2022-2023 school year.

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Dionne Tuplin, president of the P.E>I. Home and School Federation, lives in Tyne Valley area, with her husband and four children, who attend Ellerslie Elementary School, Hernewood Intermediate and Westisle Composite High School. A Home and School column appears in The Guardian during the school year on the first Friday of the month. For questions about this column or to find out more about the work of the P.E.I. Home and School Federation, contact peihsf@edu.pe.ca or 902-620-3186/1-800-916-0664.