Mary O’Donnell receives school bus driver of the year award

The Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation presents two school bus drivers of the year awards annually to recognize the important role they play in the lives of our children each and every day. Drivers are professionally trained individuals who manage student behavior, teach school bus safety, transport our children in a safe manner to and from school, and care for the physical and emotional needs of the students in their care. Their contribution to the lives of our children is huge.

Mary O’Donnell, nominated by students, parents and school staff from Vernon River Consolidated School, received a 2017 School Bus Driver of the Year Award on June 27th. She is known for her kindness, care and respect for the students who ride on her bus and represents all school bus drivers across Prince Edward Island. 

Students like it when Mary says kind things like good-bye and good morning, when she gives them treats and when she ensures their safety by telling them to sit down when she thinks they will get hurt. Everyone on the bus loves her!

“Public education is a partnership, and ensuring that our students get to and from school each day rests on the shoulders of our bus drivers, partners without whom our education system could not operate. Their dedication is something that parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and staff of Island schools truly appreciate.” says Lisa MacDougall, President of the P.E.I. Home and School Federation.


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For more information, contact:
Shirley Smedley Jay, Executive Director
PEI Home and School Federation
(902) 620-3186/1-800-916-0664