Charlottetown Schools: Grants of up to $2,500 Available from City for Sustainability Projects

The Inspired City (logo)The following notice comes from the City of Charlottetown, and we've confirmed that home and school associations, and student groups, are eligible to apply for projects. Note the tight deadline of April 22, 2015.

We are now accepting applications for the City’s Community Sustainability Micro-Grant Program.  This program provides grants of up to $1,000 for youth and school groups and up to $2,500 for other groups, individuals and organizations to implement their idea to make our City more vibrant, liveable and resilient.

In order to apply please fill out the application form,  provide 2 letters of support for your project and provide a project budget.  For FAQs and the Application Form please click here.

Your project must demonstrate its ability to contribute towards one of the goals and actions of the City’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP).  This plan includes goals and actions under the four pillars of sustainability – environmental, economic, social and cultural – so there is something for everyone!

To see a list of the goals and actions click hereTo view the full ICSP click here.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about the program and feel free to pass this message along to any organizations you think may be interested in doing a project in Charlottetown. Looking forward to hearing all your great ideas!

Local home and schools are encouraged to consider submitting applications for local sustainability projects: this presents an opportunity both to improve the sustainability of the school and its community, and to engage parents and youth together in a common cause.  Jean Davis, our PEIHSF Parent Engagement Coordinator, can help your local home and school with project ideas and application writing assistance if you need it and Ramona Doyle, Sustainability Officer, City of Charlottetown ( or 902-629-6613) can answer any questions you have about the micro-grant program.