“Putting Children First” for 60 Years in Prince Edward Island
January 21, 2013
The PEI Home and School Federation is Celebrating “Putting Children First” for 60 Years in Prince Edward Island. We are pleased to inform you about a special event being organized to mark the anniversary with details as follows:
Celebrating “Putting Children First” for 60 Years in Prince Edward Island
Saturday, March 2, 2013
A Concert of Celebration
7:00 P.M.
Confederation Centre of the Arts
*** Past and present students from across PEI will perform on main stage.
Tickets $10 each will be available at the Confederation Centre Box Office (566-1267) in early February 2013.
We invite you to help spread the word to parents, students and teachers through your school newsletter and website.
For more information contact Shirley Jay or Jean Davis at the Federation office 620-3186 /1-800-916-0664 / peihsf@edu.pe.ca