Requests for Input – Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

New Senior High School Model

The Senior High School Model (SHSM) Committee, established by the Department of Education, has produced a discussion paper containing proposals to introduce new opportunities / modes of curriculum delivery for high school students. In April 2008, the PEI Home and School Federation was invited to review this document and provide feedback to Clayton Coe with the Department of Education. Home and School Association Presidents/Co-Chairs were asked to discuss this information with their Home and School members and forward any comments to the provincial office.
Click here for the Full SHSM Paper and the Federation’s response.

Instructional Staffing Model

The Instructional Staffing Model for elementary / secondary levels implemented five years ago is undergoing a review with Gar Andrew as the Review Coordinator. Parents, through the PEI Home and School Federation, were invited to make a written submission to provide their thoughts on the components of the model and areas of priority for improvement. In April 2008, Presidents / Co-Chairs were asked to please discuss this information with your Home and School members and forward any comments to the provincial office. Please view the existing Instructional Staffing Model and the
Federation’s response.