Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week….Annual Reports….Awards….Grants

Home and School News, February 2021

1. Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
Celebrate Teachers/Staff Appreciation Week, February 14-20, 2021.

Home and Schools are reminded to say thank you to school staff during this week of recognition.

Download our newly designed TSAW Posters:
Click here for TSAW School Poster – Print and Post in your school

Click here for TSAW Student Colouring Poster – Print, colour and give to a school staff person


2. President's 2020-2021Annual Reports

President's Home and School Association Annual Reports are due in the Federation office by Feb. 28th. It's been an unusual year with COVID-19. However, it provides an opportunity to talk about how education happened during the pandemic. Write about parent, student and school community's experiences with home learning, parent-teacher interviews, fundraising, school celebrations, parent leadership projects, etc. Your Home and School Association's report will be in included in the 2021 Annual Book of Reports.
To help get you started,
click here for a template.


3. Volunteer Award

Home and School's volunteer award is about recognizing the significant contributions that volunteers makes to help people in their school communities. Associations are asked to consider nominating a Home and School member for this year's award(s). The submission deadline is: Mar. 12th

Click here for Nomination form.

4. 68th Annual Meeting

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation's Annual General Meeting will be held virtually in late April or early May. Date TBA. More information to follow.


5. Responses to last year's Resolutions

You can review Education Minister Brad Trivers' response to 2020 Home and School resolutions.

Click here for Resolutions/Responses


6. Parent Leadership Grants

The new grant application deadline is Feb. 28. Click here to find ideas about Parent Leadership Grants: and submit to: peihsf@edu.pe.ca or Mail to: PEI Home and School Federation PO Box 1012 Charlottetown PEI C1A 7M4.


Other Community news:

~ The Great Big Crunch, March 11, 2021 – Students, teachers, parents and others who are passionate about food are invited to share their enthusiasm in a national moment of anti-silence Register to munch before crunch day. Sign up yourself, your class, your school or your whole school district! You will receive a Great Big Crunch Toolkit, with lots of fun curriculum linked class activities, and recommend some fresh local produce for you to snack on. Get all your friends together and take a synchronized bite at 2:30 pm EST Don't forget to share your crunch photos with us using #GreatBigCrunch.

~Pink Shirt day = Together we can make a difference! Wear something pink on Feb. 26th to symbolize that we as a society will not tolerate bullying anywhere. Take the message and remember it all year long. More at: http://www.pinktshirtday.ca/


~ Canada's Food Guide – Subscribe to get the latest healthy updates, recipes and more

Learn to be healthy infogrades1-12.


~ 2021 Census, May 2021 = Statistics Canada will be hiring approximately 32,000 people across the country to assist in census data collection activities. Contact: statcan.censusoutreach.atlantic-rayonnementdurec.atlantique.statcan@canada.ca.