Time to get involved: Home and School seeks to engage parents and school community members

It’s September again and time to head back to school. Parents are encouraged to get to know the school staff and to get involved at their childs school early in the school year.

In the coming months, the federation is available to provide leadership training, facilitate meetings, and to help bring people together around common goals and visions. This year, leadership training opportunities will be offered that are tailored to the needs of local associations. Facilitators can help bring community members together to discuss common concerns, define their visions for their schools or develop plans for action on school food.

Home and School is a volunteer, non-profit organization made up of parents, teachers, school staff and citizens concerned about the education of our young people and their future. Every school on the Island has a local Home and School association that seeks to engage parents and school community members in the daily life and activity of the school. At the provincial level, the P.E.I. Home and School Federation works as an advocacy group to improve the total well-being of every student.

Two annual meetings provide opportunities to bring all stakeholders in education together to voice their concerns about issues that are relevant to student learning across the Island. The resolution process provides an opportunity for members to discuss and design solutions together that will allow every Island child to reach his or her full potential.

Home and Schools from across the province will come together on Oct. 17 for the 64th semi-annual meeting. Officials from the Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture and Public Schools Branch will be invited to join parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and staff for discussion about current issues in education, focusing on the federation’s policy resolutions adopted at the April annual meeting and progress that has been made on past resolutions.


All federation policies can be found at: www.peihsf.ca. Registration packages will be circulated to home and school presidents in September, and each school is encouraged to send representatives.

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation celebrates its 65th anniversary during this school year. The 2018 annual meeting will be held on Saturday, April 14. Special speakers and other events will mark the special occasion. Let’s celebrate our accomplishments since 1953 and make this year a great one!

Contact the PEIHSF office at 902-620-3186 or, toll free, 1-800-916-0664, for more information and to book a parent leadership and engagement event.


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