Home and School News, October 2017

Semi-Annual Meeting – Date has been changed

The Semi-Annual meeting date has been changed to Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017,  5:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.,  Central Queens Elementary School, Hunter River, PEI. 

What would your school look like if you could design it? What are your dreams for the students in your school? What are the most important aspects of education to consider during the planning process? How big is your school district? Is it a small district where everyone knows your name, or is it a large district where there is access to many resources? Are there connections to other organizations or locations outside of the school? Travel? Can spaces be designed to encourage quiet reflection? Creativity? Are the spaces created to emphasize individual work, collective work, work from a distance, or other options? How are students grouped? How is success defined? What are students learning? Who should be part of the discussion? What else should be considered?

These questions and more will be discussed at our Semi-Annual meeting.

Registration packages are being prepared and will be mailed to Home and School presidents next week.



Nutrition and Healthy Eating Support from Health and Wellness – Did you know that there is a School Nutrition Policy for all PEI schools?  Morgan and Sharla, Healthy Eating Program Officers, Department Health and Wellness can come talk to your Home and School about: Topics:  Healthy eating and current nutrition trends; School nutrition policy; Making sure your school food programs have best food options for student achievement and health; Helping Home and Schools deliver healthy eating related messages to a wider audience.  
Contact Morgan Palmer RD 
mkpalmer@gov.pe.ca  (902) 620-3899 or Sharla Goodwin RD (Bilingual) sagoodwin@gov.pe.ca   (902) 368-4319 for more details.



Registration is Now Open: “Taking Your Club to the Next Level”Breakfast Program Coordinator Training and Sharing Session   A sharing and learning session hosted by the Healthy Eating Program Officers, with the Breakfast Club of Canada. Topics: building community connections, accessing and using local food, problem solving and sharing, using and different cultural foods, school nutrition policy, etc.
Register with:  Morgan Palmer RD   
mkpalmer@gov.pe.ca   (902) 620-3899
Sharla Goodwin RD (Bilingual)  
sagoodwin@gov.pe.ca   (902) 368-4319


 Public Schools Branch
The next meeting of the Public Schools Branch board of directors is scheduled for Wednesday, November 15, 2017.  Location and time to be announced.



Other community news….

·  Crime Stoppers PEI would be pleased to come and do a presentation for you 10, 20 minutes, whatever works best for you) on what Crime Stoppers is all about.  Contact Scott Lundrigan at 902-566-7081 or e-mail coordinator@peicrimestoppers.com.


·  Verbal Abuse Prevention Week, October 1-7, 2017. For more details:    www.verbalabusepreventioncanada.ca


·  PEI Brain Injury Association’s Support Group, Jack Blanchard Hall, Holy Redeemer, Charlottetown every second Tuesday at 2 p.m. in room 205. Next meeting dates: Oct 10th & 24th and Nov 7th & 21st.