Wide variety of spring events
March is here: the beginning of spring, daylight time, mid-term break, and an early Easter. Parent-teacher interviews are March 8 for K-9 and students have 14 instructional days this month.
The 71st annual general meeting & conference is quickly approaching. The federation has announced that its Building Healthy Foundations For Every Child event on April 13 at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, 75 Kent St., Charlottetown.
Speakers will include Education and Early Years Minister Hon. Natalie Jameson, P.E.I. Lt.-Gov. Antionette Perry and round table experts, will present on suicide prevention, the education department’s inclusion report, COMPASS 2023-24 youth survey results, role of an educational assistant, Fundations and youth and sports nutrition.
Register online at https://peihsf.ca/agm/ by the early registration deadline, March 21. It is hoped that all schools represented.
Proposed resolutions are circulated to presidents with directions to discuss these at a local home and school meeting.
Use each resolution as a springboard for discussing the topic, then hold a vote, resolution by resolution, to determine how your school’s delegates will vote at the annual meeting.
Voting delegates can vote “in favour,” “opposed,” or present amendments. 2024 resolutions are online at https://peihsf.ca/resolutions/. For further information, call 902-620-3186.
Do you know an amazing home and school volunteer in your school? One person is recognized annually for their efforts in a local association with the Steve McQuaid Volunteer of the Year Award. A life membership is awarded to individuals when deemed appropriate for contributions – locally and provincially. Review the awards’ criteria at https://peihsf.ca/awards/ and submit nominations by March 8.
The P.E.I. Home and School Federation is the umbrella organization of Home and Schools across the Island, overseen by a volunteer board elected by delegates from member Home and School Associations.
Every year at the annual meeting, elections are held for vacant positions on the board, and local members are encouraged to nominate suitable candidates with the necessary qualifications to do the work of the provincial federation.
Those interested can let their name stand for a provincial Home and School federation two-year term or nominate another person. Vacant positions include president, vice president, and directors for the Charlottetown Rural, Colonel Gray, Kinkora, Montague, and Morell families of schools.
Access the 2024 nomination form at https://peihsf.ca/agm. This is an opportunity to work with partners in education with provincial perspectives on ways to help improve P.E.I.’s education system for students. Bring new skill sets to the board. New perspectives and knowledge are what the federation needs.
Get apples or other crunchy fruit or vegetables ready to crunch out loud. On March 7, thousands will gather in person at their school, work, and online with students, friends, and colleagues to highlight the importance of eating healthy food at school. Host a crunch in school or workplaces or join the Virtual Great Big Crunch at 1:00 EST. Crunch to celebrate healthy school food. Find more info at https://healthyschoolfood.ca/great-big-crunch.
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Dionne Tuplin, president of the P.E.I. Home and School Federation, lives in Tyne Valley area, with her husband and four children, who attend Ellerslie Elementary School, Hernewood Intermediate and Westisle Composite High School. A Home and School column appears in The Guardian during the school year on the first Friday of the month. For questions about this column or to find out more about the work of the P.E.I. Home and School Federation, contact peihsf@gov.pe.ca or 902-620-3186/1-800-916-0664