Home and School News, February 2019


Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week

Celebrate Teachers/Staff Appreciation Week, February 11 – 15, 2019.  Home and Schools are reminded to say thank you to school staff during this week of recognition. Form a committee to discuss a plan to show appreciation.



President’s Annual Reports

The Annual Book of Reports is being compiled for circulation at the Annual Meeting in April.  Presidents are asked to submit your Home and School Association’s Annual Report to the Federation by February 28th.  

A report template is online at: https://peihsf.ca/content/template-presidents-annual-reports


Annual Meeting & Convention

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation’s 66th Annual Meeting & Convention will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2019.  All Home and Schools are invited to attend with each association asked to designate five attendees as your school’s voting delegates. You are encouraged to include teachers, administrators and staff as delegates. Registration information will be mailed to presidents and posted online in February.


Home and School Speaker Resources

The “Speaker Resources for Home and Schools” resource is posted online. If you have more to add to this list, send to:  peihsf@edu.pe.ca | 902- 620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664 (Toll Free).


PEI’s School Food Initiative

"Keep up-to-date on the school food project by following their new social media pages!"

www.facebook.com/PEIschoolfood  |  Instagram and Twitter: @PEIschoolfood



Public Schools Branch

The Public Schools Branch Board of Directors will be meeting on Wednesday, February 20, 2019, 7:30 p.m. at Mount Stewart Consolidated,120 South Main Street, Rte 351, Mount Stewart. (Storm date: Feb. 21)  Members of the public are welcome to attend. Any member of the public who wishes to make a presentation to the Board must submit a written request to the Board Chair or the Director of the Public Schools Branch by 4 p.m. on Feb. 11, 2019 to the Public Schools Branch Stratford Office, 2-234 Shakespeare Drive, Stratford, PE C1B 2V8, or email: sxgauthier@edu.pe.ca Call 902-368-6850 for additional information.



E-cigarettes / Vaping

E-cigarette use (i.e. vaping) among PEI youth is on the rise and can be linked to future use of alcohol and other substances such as tobacco and cannabis.  The PEI Tobacco Reduction Alliance (PETRA) has developed a public awareness campaign focused on the harmful effects of youth vaping, aimed at adult influencers of youth (i.e. parents, teachers, health-care professionals, coaches, etc.). Check out the poster/info-graphic which highlights the harmful effects on the developing brain, and a tip sheet which provides adult influencers with strategies on how to start the conversation with youth at: http://www.peitobaccoreduction.com/vape/  



Nourish Kids Now – Invest in School Food is a grassroots campaign that is calling on the federal government to make a cost-shared investment in healthy, universal school food programs, which would build on the investments of our provinces, municipalities and communities. Campaign landing page -> https://www.healthyschoolfood.ca/nourishkidsnow

Pink Shirt day in PEI is the 27th of February = Crime Stoppers is once again proud to be partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Summerside in this very worth-while endeavour.  https://boysandgirlsclubofsummerside.com/home/  www.peicrimestoppers.com